My husband and I bought our first home a few months ago! We closed on it in June and moved in at the beginning of July. It's been great, we've been really busy with it and our personal lives, but we both love being homeowners rather than renters!
Gained a little weight over the past few months, but now I'm working on losing it again. I started P90x 3 this morning - did my first workout, Accelerator, and I LOVED it. I'm also trying out Beachbody's streaming service, and so far I love that too.Work
Still hanging in there with Apptical, but also doing some freelance writing on the side - working on making some changes to my business website, ericalynnmartin.com, which I hope will start attracting more clients. Things slowed down a little last week because of Hurricane Irma, but I'm hoping they pick up again soon.
That's it for now, I hope everyone has a great week!