
Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekly Update for the Week Ending 2/26/17

Last week was another great week! My major accomplishments last week were:

Health - Got through my third week of Brazil Butt Lift.  Also got my Focus T25 workouts and started looking through those. Focus T25 looks like an interesting program, we'll see how I do with it. This week's schedule for Brazil Butt Lift is:

Tuesday - Bum Bum/Tummy Tuck
Wednesday - Cardio Axe/High and Tight - going to replace Cardio Axe with the Alpha Cardio workout from Focus T25 so I can start getting "acquainted" with the workouts.
Thursday - Sculpt
Friday - Bum Bum/Tummy Tuck
Saturday - Cardio Axe/Sculpt - will probably replace Cardio Axe with Alpha Cardio or one of the other cardio workouts, depending on which ones I've looked through by that time - I have checked out a few already, will get to my impressions of them in a minute.
Sunday - Tummy Tuck/High and Tight

As I mentioned above, I've started looking at some of the workouts in the Alpha (first) cycle of Focus T25. Focus T25 has two 5 week cycles - the Alpha cycle is the first one, and it focuses on building a foundation. There are five 25 minute workouts in the Alpha cycle: Cardio, Speed 1.0, the Total Body Circuit, Ab Intervals and Lower Focus. So far I've looked at the Cardio and Speed 1.0 workouts, and they look intense but definitely doable. The Beta Cycle is the second cycle, and it focuses on the core. The workouts in this cycle are Core Cardio, Speed 2.0, Rip't Circuit, Dynamic Core and Upper Focus. It will be interesting to see how I do with this Focus T25, I plan to start that right away on Monday - I do have a doctor's appointment, but luckily the workouts are short enough that I can get one in before I leave.

My Beachbody coach is also going to be doing a March Madness challenge which I'm going to participate in, so I'm looking forward to that.

Finances/Career - Had another good week at Apptical, and also worked another 7.5 hours at Lionbridge, so I'll just about hit my goal for this paycheck. I need to start working more every week, but with the Brazil Butt Lift workout schedule that's not possible, at least during the week. Once I start Focus T25 though, the shorter workouts will free up a little extra time in the mornings before I start work with Apptical - I can use that to work a bit for Lionbridge if there's work available.

That's it for this week, hope everyone has a great week!

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