
Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekly Update for the Week Ending 3/26/17

Good morning! Last week was a great week in many ways. I made a lot of progress with my health and career goals, as well as some other things I'm working on.


Made it through my third week of Focus T25. Also on Monday Kevin and I had our physicals -  mine went really well. My old doctor left, so I saw this physician's assistant they hired named Allie - she was really nice, I really liked her. We talked about a few things and she did my physical exam. After that Kevin and I went and got our blood work done and then went out to lunch - our physicals were at 10:30 and of course we had to fast for the blood work, so neither of us had eaten anything in almost 18 hours!! I found out a few days later that my blood work came back normal except for my sodium level, which was a little low. Allie said that could be related to my medication, it also could be because I was fasting. She wants to see me back in a week so I can get the sodium test redone, but I won't be able to go back in a week, so I'll  just have to go in when I have time. I also got on the scale yesterday and found I lost a pound and a half last week, so I'm happy about that. Hoping to be able to lose a little bit more before Kevin and I leave for Pensacola for a few days. Since Kevin and I are going to Pensacola this coming Friday, I'm thinking of starting my Focus T25 schedule for the week a day early.


Apptical - Apptical was fairly busy this week, but I made it through the week with nothing major happening.

Lionbridge - I've only done a little work for Lionbridge this week because the work has been scarce. I worked for about half an hour yesterday but didn't do any work during the week.

Writing - Because of the scarcity in Lionbridge work, I did start doing a little writing again this week. I think I'm going to have to start using that to fill in the gaps and make a little extra money until there's more Lionbridge work available again.

Also somewhat related to career, I decided to start reviewing my Rosetta Stone Spanish course that I'd purchased a few years ago because I wanted to learn Spanish so I could take Spanish calls for Apptical. Not sure if I'll still do that or not, but I figured it can't be a bad skill to have for other work at home jobs as well.


Still working on "Worth It." I'm just about done with it, I hope to finish it this week before Kevin and I leave for Pensacola. I also started reading an eBook called "The Authentic Budget," which I'm hoping will help me come up with more realistic budgeting goals. I'm about halfway through it, I've quit reading it for now, because I want to go through some of the exercises in it before I continue. I also did a little organizing in my office this week - Kevin brought me a few more label tapes for my Ptouch labeller from work, and I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with the 1/2 inch tape, so now I've got it working properly again. 

That's about it for this week. Not sure if I'll be posting next week because I'll be out of town, but if I don't I'll definitely be writing a very long post the following week. 

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