
Monday, December 4, 2017

November Update

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I updated again, and I apologize for that. I need to get back to posting regularly, but it's been difficult with everything I've been doing the past few months. Anyway, I wanted to give you a quick update on how I've been doing with my goals.



Still hanging in there with Apptical - the past few months have gotten very busy, because we've added a few new clients that have been giving us a lot of business. Also, open enrollment season is wrapping up here in the United States (for my non-US readers, open enrollment is the time when people can choose to make changes to their health insurance), and now that the holiday season is here, I know we'll be getting a lot more calls. Still not sure if I want to stay there indefinitely, but we'll see.


Haven't been doing a whole lot of paid writing this month, but I need to get back to doing some. I have been doing some work on my websites, especially My eBook Journey. There's not a whole lot of content on it right now, because I've been working on repurposing it - I'm turning it into a website that's more about book reviews and information on how to read more books and eBooks. I've also been working on the freebie I want to send out to people who sign up for my mailing list on my freelance writing website. 


My weight loss efforts have NOT been good this month. I've gained a lot more than I've lost - I gained three pounds over Thanksgiving weekend, which I knew I would between the food we ate for Thanksgiving (we made our first Thanksgiving dinner in our new house!) and the food we ate when we went up to  Michigan. I also went to see the new neurologist I've got here in Kannapolis now for a follow-up from an appointment I had with him two months ago. 


I talked to my dad twice in November - once for his birthday, and also a few days ago when I got the Christmas card he and my stepmom sent us. I know I'll be talking to him, as well as some of my other family members, in December for the holidays. 


We're making progress on our house. Kevin bought a leaf blower and has been using it to get all up off our lawn that have fallen off the trees. 

That's about all I can think of for right now, I'll try to remember to write another post next week. I hope everyone has a great week! 

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