
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Legs and Back and Abs/Core Plus, and Things I've Discovered about Essential Oils

Good morning! This morning's workouts were Legs and Back and Abs/Core Plus - I love those two workouts, especially Abs/Core Plus because it's a nice change from Ab Ripper X - Ab Ripper X is all mat exercises, which is great because it's a short, efficient workout. However, it can get boring quickly - Abs/Core Plus, on the other hand, is mat ab exercises, as well as standing, hanging, and ab exercises using weights. The exercises are more synergistic too - there are two that I really like called Scissor Climbers, which is a combination of Fifer Scissors and the leg climber exercise from Ab Ripper X. The other one is Banana Mason, which is a combination of Banana Rolls (from Core Synergistics) and Mason Twists (from Ab Riper X). There are others I like too, like Cherry Bomb, and many others that I can't think of now. If you're getting bored with Ab Ripper X, I highly recommend checking out the Abs/Core Plus workout in P90x Plus.

I've also been using essential oils for a few days now for different things, and I've made a few discoveries. The first one I started with was the lavender, and besides smelling wonderful, it also appears to have taken away my sneezing - for years, I've had problems with sneezing - the sneezes cone on suddenly, although I can usually tell when they're coming because I'll get a tickling sensation in my nose - well since I've been using the lavender essential oil the sneezes have almost disappeared. I did a little research on it, and apparently both lavender and peppermint essential oil can help with sneezing. So I'll definitely keep using those. I also decided to try using a few drops of lemon essential oil in my shoes this morning after I worked out to take away the sweaty foot smell, and it worked beautifully - now the inside of my shoes smell like lemons instead of a sweaty foot. I also tried using a little of the jojoba oil I received yesterday as a moisturizer after my shower, and it seems to work real well for that. Tomorrow I'll try using it when I shave my legs.

That's it for now, I hope everyone has a great Sunday! Tomorrow I hope to have a report on how my organization efforts are coming, because the rest of the stuff I ordered from Amazon is supposed to be deliverd today - hoping to be here when it is delivered, but there are a few things I want to do today.

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